With the ever-increasing convenience of online shopping and the incredibly wide variety of options, gift giving can sometimes be harder than ever. What do you choose? What if they already have it? What if someone else gets them the same thing? If you're worried about picking out a unique gift for a loved one, then you should consider a custom bronze statue. When you work with an artist to create something specifically for your loved one, you're guaranteed to end up with a unique gift. Here are three ways to customize a bronze statue:

1. Customize it to their favorite hobby.

If the friend or family member you need a gift for is super passionate about something, use that to customize your gift! If they love to hunt or fish, you could order a statue of a fish, deer, or bear—whatever they like to catch. If they are super into movies or videogames, they might love to display a bronze statue of their favorite character or iconic object. If they love books, then a statue of a person reading might be a nice touch to their library. When you customize a sculpture, you can make it all about something they love.

2. Customize it to their personal style.

Besides just choosing something your friend loves, you will also want to consider their personal style. If they do not typically display items related to any hobbies or interests, you might want to consider purchasing them a piece of abstract art instead. If the person prefers that all their decorations and colors in their home match, that can help you decide whether the statue should have any color besides the bronze. Just because a gift is unique doesn't mean the person will automatically love it. Make sure it fits the kind of decorating style they prefer before you order. 

3. Customize it to their living situation.

Bronze statues can vary a great deal in size, so you'll want to consider your loved one's living situation while you decide how large of a statue to order. If your friend doesn't have much space in their home for anything besides essential furniture, has young toddlers that climb on everything, or has trouble lifting heavy objects, a small statue that can be placed on a shelf may be a better option. If your friend has lots of room and enjoys bold pieces of art to display, maybe they would prefer something larger that really catches the eye. You know your loved one, so make sure you get something that will work well in their home. 

If you're looking for an unforgettable, unique gift this holiday season, order a custom bronze statue. They are sure to be ecstatic about a beautiful piece of art created specifically for them.
